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"Bathe Me, I'm Dirty"

Last two weeks ago, i had this wonderful experience. It was when we had our VCS (Vacation Church School) at our church which lasted for a week. The kids who attended were from the church but most of them were from the outreaches, so you would imagine how we, teachers, managed the class to become acquainted and be friends with each other because most of them really are too poor to have their clothes changed for the next day.

So this is what we did. We decided to collect old clothes from our church members, bought soap, shampoo and powder so that we could bathe them before our classes start the next day.

Tuesday came and the kids were already around waiting for us to bathe them. I still couldn't forget the feeling that I had for these kids, I was like a mother who cared for my own children. They were like yearning for water and soap that they were so excited to indulge in the water from the hose. I, Rona and KC started to bathe them using a hand towel to brush away the dirt that sticked to their bodies so well that it was hard to remove, and that gives them the bad smell. So the white towel turn into brown talaga. We didn't mind how they smell but we cared more on how clean they would become after bathing. I was so happy to experience this since it was my first time to do it. I felt the inner joy from the smiles on the kids' faces that warmth my heart. We continued to bathe them for the rest of the week till our VCS Graduation Day.

God really can work in his many different ways for us to realize that we are in
His image. I was imagining that if only Jesus existed in this present time, we would also see Him bathing street children with His own hands with a big smile on His face. I'm so thankful to have experience this and I'm grateful for the other two teachers as well. I didn't think that they would do it with all their heart and without hesitation, instead i saw the sheer happiness on their faces that no material things could ever give. Praise God for giving us a loving heart that would want to extend more love for others than for self. God is good!


  1. Haiz, am fond of outreach programs din delle, love ko kasi talga ang interaction with people...

    God is always making his own ways to suprise us and realize that we really beloved by him.

    Nice post delle, i hope to see more of you..
    Keep posting....

  2. thanks there neh! Iba ang naibigay nitong happiness sa akin. God bless you too! =)


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