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How to Boost Your Beauty Confidence

Girls, ladies, women, or females most of the time worry about their self-confidence with regards to their beauty and style. Why wouldn't they when studies show that compared to men, women's physical change needs a lot of effort and money so to speak. Most of women, highly believe that in order to achieve at least the self-standard of beauty is to invest it with money. Ever wonder why most of Asian women around the world especially Koreans and Japanese and of course celebrities, need to work hard and earn money for them to afford plastic surgery, such as nose lift, face lift, or body bleaching, liposuction, etc. It's because we women couldn't just get enough of what we call natural beauty. Am i right?

Well there's good news! You don't have to spend a lot of money just to achieve the look that you desire. Here are some tips that I formulated myself.

1. Erase your Insecurity - it's normal for a woman to feel insecure at times. But don't sweat on that fact because boosting up your self confidence will never happen when clinging on insecurities. If you hate your body or the shape of your nose, your skin complexion, your hair, or your cracked heels, there's a lot of ways to deal with that. Just always remind yourself that you are God's wonderful creation. No one in this world looks just like you or have the same good features as yours. To make it short, set aside your negative thinking about yourself.

2. Pamper yourself - Do you know that pampering yourself is the most gift you can ever give to yourself. But let me tell you something, when you get your hard-earned money on pay day, don't ever think about going to a fine restaurant just to eat food that you're dreaming to take. Remember, that beauty is achieved with discipline on food. Give yourself time to shop clothes, comfortable ones, that make you think you're beautiful wearing them. Give yourself a treat of massage, or hairspa, footspa, or facial that would suit your budget. But for me, because I know just how tiring and stressful it is to work everyday, full-body massage is on top of my "Pampering Myself List."

3. Make your hated body part become your asset - You might think how is it possible? When your nose is flat, or your hair's making you irritated, or your chubby body that sweats with just walking a little from home to work. Well, it is possible! Instead of hating your nose, or your body, or your arms (whatever body part you hated the most)... PROJECT IT! How? By just looking at yourself in the mirror early in the morning, telling yourself, "Good morning, myself "I'm sexy", or "My nose looks gorgeous today" "Wow, my hair's in shape." or simply tell yourself.. "I'm beautiful" but without that tone of doubt but tone of confidence! Make it your everyday habit.

These are just 3 simple tips on how to improve your beauty confidence. I assure you that when you just hit it off to yourself, other people will notice. It's just a matter of mind setting and love for yourself. And of course to God who created you just the way you are.

I shared it because it works for me. I am beautiful because i said so. Wow! That's just some confidence. So you can do this too!

Get taught everything by an ostensible


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