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Showing posts from October, 2011

GT: My Planned Foods for the Holidays

Hmm.. This week's topic made me think about those foods that a typical Filipino home have during holiday seasons. Just right in time for planning the menu! Well, this picture are the foods I'm planning to share with my family. Since, I'm not good at cooking a lot of food right now because I'm just recently married and so I'll be asking my mom to be with me on cooking these dishes. My mom is really a good cook, well, for many years of experience. And I admire her for that. I'm just so excited and I'm very giddy on how happy it is to share these 'handa' with my family and husband.  Aside from the foods above, here are the desserts/foods that I will never miss putting on our table this Christmas and New Year: biko with gata fruit salad ginataang bilo-bilo maja blanca crispy pata  white spaghetti egg pie from Goldilocks puto palabok

My Asthma Article on Triond Earned A Lot of Views!

I'm really happy to see that this article about " Effective Home Remedies for Asthma " which I wrote recently, already earned a total number of 400 views! I know that it's still a little number compared to my other writer friends there who are not only earning lots of views but earning lots of bucks already. Well, I'm starting to see good results now since I joined this Triond Trends community for Triond writers like me and gain readership through it. It's really a lot of help! My articles would usually stop earning hits of 50 views only and remain in that number. Indeed, Facebook is a good site to earn readership for my articles.  To my blogger friends, please do take time to read some of my articles on Triond. I will truly appreciate visits and comments dropped if you can! Just roll down on this blog, till you see this widget just there on my right sidebar. You can also browse articles right from this widget in this post.  Also, if you want to look ...

BC Bloggers

It's good to discover BC Bloggers! I've decided to look into this because when I was doing my bloghopping activity the other night, I noticed that a lot of my friends' latest posts were about this. And so, I read one from Rovie of My Journey . Then, I got instantly thrilled to what's going on! BC bloggers is one community of bloggers who are willing to connect with each other. It's a community and their motto is, you don't have to beg to be linked up! And so, I decided to join! If you want to join this friendly bloggers community, just go to Mommy Diary . The deadline was actually last October 15, but they still accepted my subscription and given me instructions on how to join via e-mail. So, what are you waiting for? Join now and fill in your blogroll list with more links and expect that others will be more than willing to do back links to your site!

Sweet Saturday 19: Keys To A Happy Marriage – Trials

I thought that I was gonna miss this week's SS topic! Well, I can't help it but I'm always glad to contribute to Sweet Saturday Meme because this helps me and a lot of other women in their marriage. And I'm sure that this is not only about sharing ups and downs in one's marriage but also about being able to learn from other's experiences as well. So much about this introduction, let me start talking about this interesting topic - 'Trials'. I know that everyone, married or not, do encounter trials in life and relationships whether we like it or not. It's just part of our lives that can't be avoided.  In my relationship with hubby, in the first few years of being together, it was tough having to face hardships yet we regard trials as a way for us to be stronger together. Thinking of the fact that our cultures differ, as well as our different personalities, trials will likely occur. It was hard for us at first,  but as we know, trials will...

70 Followers Today!

This post is to thank all my followers! And so far, this blog reigns among my other blogs for having the highest number of followers. Without you guys, I will never be able to have you as my followers. Thanks for always visiting and reading my posts here and I hope that you all enjoyed the stay. I am still faithful on blog hopping and so always expect me coming over your blogs to read and visit as well. This is a simple thanks to you all my 70 followers and I'm expecting for more to come! CHEERS!!!

WARNING: Contact Lenses Can Make You Blind for Life

I know that a lot of us wanted to look better. And in this highly advanced era, people have created ways on how to accessorize even our looks! Who wouldn't want that, right?  Well, contact lenses is one of the many things that have been accessorized these days. Besides from the fact that it's the substitute for eyeglasses in order to look cooler and younger, it now comes with different styles and colors! The sad thing is, contact lenses could make a person blind permanently, IF not taking precautions carefully. And so, I'd like to share this story to you that was shared to me on Facebook. A 21 year old guy had worn a pair of contact lenses during a barbecue party. (An event or meal at which food is cooked outdoors over an open grill or fire) While barbecuing, he stared at the fire charcoals continuously for 2-3 minutes. Shortly after that, he started to scream for help and moved rapidly, jumping up and down. No one in the party knew why he was doing this. ...

Sweet Saturday 18: Fidelity in Marriage

Even though that me and hubby were just married, I know in my heart that I could trust him with his love and faithfulness. For 6 years of being in a relationship prior to our marriage, there's a lot of proof that I'm the only one in his heart and will always be and that made me just felt really assured when he finally proposed to me.  Long before I married him, my husband has the assurance that he is the only man in my life for as long as I live. At our wedding, my vows to him were from the heart. The "I will be faithful to you" line in my written vows (we preferred making our own vows) made him broke in tears and held my hand so tight. This made him cry because this has hurt him in his past relationship before he met me. I cried too as I was listening to his lovely vows. We are in love and happy and blessed and I know it's all because we put God to be in the center of our relationship. But I'd like to turn this blog to what I learned from my paren...

It's My Hubby's Birthday Today!

When it comes to our loved ones, I know that a lot of us are creative on how to greet a special person on his/her birth day. There goes a handmade card, a simple cupcake with a candle on it, a serenade maybe, a popping balloon with a message inside it or name it because there's a lot more!  Well, it's my husband's birthday today! I didn't have the time to buy him a gift because we just arrived home last night from processing all the papers for us to go to Taiwan for our honeymoon and to have bonding moments with his parents there. And so, I waited the time to tick on 12 in the middle of the night. He was still awake and watching in his laptop. What I did was, I cooked his favorite noodles and gave it to him and sang him a happy birthday song and told him to look at his facebook account because I sent a simple photo edited birthday greeting for him. I saw his smile and he hugged and kissed me. This is the ever first birthday we celebrated as a married couple a...

Sweet Saturday 17: Keys to a Happy Marriage #1 - Communication

This week's topic on Sweet Saturday is very interesting and I'll answer 2 out of  4 questions. What are the things that you have learned in your marriage about communication? I and my husband are still in the honeymoon stage for we're only married for almost 4 months. But I could say that communication is really a big part and an essential tool for a happy marriage. We may be beginning as a married couple but being boyfriend/girlfriend for 6 years, we've learned a lot. It gave us the time to know more about each other's likes and dislikes and MOST of all is that, we learned to communicate through talking. It's very important to us since we come from different race. (He's a Taiwanese and I, a Filipino) And so, it's a must to tell each other our feelings and opinions. When is the time when it's hard for you and your partner to communicate?  I have a very funny story about this. There was a time when I had something that I wanted him to...