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Sweet Saturday 18: Fidelity in Marriage

Even though that me and hubby were just married, I know in my heart that I could trust him with his love and faithfulness. For 6 years of being in a relationship prior to our marriage, there's a lot of proof that I'm the only one in his heart and will always be and that made me just felt really assured when he finally proposed to me. 

Long before I married him, my husband has the assurance that he is the only man in my life for as long as I live. At our wedding, my vows to him were from the heart. The "I will be faithful to you" line in my written vows (we preferred making our own vows) made him broke in tears and held my hand so tight. This made him cry because this has hurt him in his past relationship before he met me. I cried too as I was listening to his lovely vows. We are in love and happy and blessed and I know it's all because we put God to be in the center of our relationship.

But I'd like to turn this blog to what I learned from my parents' relationship. This issue of fidelity  has been a problem and a challenge to my parents a decade ago. I'd like to share this because my father eventually turned back to us (his family) and really did not  hurt us ever again. My mother had the hardest time when it came to her knowledge that Papa was having an affair. We were at Bicol then and he was here working in Manila. My mom thought of separating with my dad when she passed the depression period. She developed this extreme disgust and hate toward my father, yet my father really tried his best to win her back. It wasn't easy and it really made a big change to us as a family. Good thing is, my mom was convinced and tried to accept him though it was a long process. And I'm very thankful that right now, I could say that the relationship of my mom and dad were restored. I love them both and I admire them for working things out together for our family. I praise God for healing the wounds in my mom's heart  so she was able to love my Papa again. 

With this, I learned that there may come a time that a husband/wife make mistakes in some years during the marriage. I learned that being able to forgive will set the hearts free. I told my husband once that if ever he would make a mistake, (but I know in my heart that he wont and he knows that this is never an encouragement but a warning) I will still forgive him for as long as it could still be fixed just that he has to face the consequences. I've become open-minded about this and I hope that this could help other couples too.



  1. :) Every family has its own secrets. We (my family) experienced ups and downs, even to the extent of ending the marriage of both nanay and tatay. But GOD is really good, and He will never allow to see HIS children in pain.

    Now, it is always my prayer that God will give me the "right man" in the future. Someone patient enough to understand my mood swings, someone who loves God more than everything.

    Thank you for this post. God bless you and your marriage in bliss. ;)

  2. aaahhh....i can imagine all your guests crying in tears of joy with you in your wedding :)
    re: your parents, it just shows that they're reallly meant to be. thanks for sharing your family story to us Rona :)

    Our Family



  3. Thanks Orange Pulps and Ate Jona for reading. I wrote this wholeheartedly and I'm really blessed of having husband like him. Thanks!

  4. sweet..personalized pala ang wedding vows niyo. we also planned to use one. the vow we read four years ago in front of his friend which is a priest (now our ninong). but that was too emotional. eh alam mo namang mahiyain ako lalo na kung seryosohan, plus the fact na jolly din ang bisita namen so we decided not use it instead. Sabi ni hubby pag punta na lang namen sa Cebu gamitin un. in front of the same person and his alma mater branch.

  5. Oo Kha! Pati program ng kasal namin pinersonalize namin. We chose the songs, the pianist, the officiating ministers. As in, pinakialaman namin lahat ng details. We can do it kasi sa church namin, since napag-aralan namin yon so we did it on our wedding! Hihi. Kaya memorable talaga.

  6. Every family, relationship and own's life has its own secrets, problems and trials...that's makes ourselves stronger..

    Your parents faced their trials and back into each other arms again...happy ending di ba

    kaganda naman ng kasal niyo..personalized it

  7. hi ronadelle! Pls help me win a prize by leaving a comment in my blog post - KES 2011
    thank you! :)


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