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AK-47 T-Shirt Giveaway

This Review & Giveaway is done by: SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways

What's The Deal With AK-47 T-shirts?

If you're wondering what kind of gun nut it takes to make a whole website geared only towards the 1947 Kalashnikov model of assault rifle, then I have to stop you right there. We're not gun nuts. That term may be thrown around playfully, but it doesn't apply here. We're FREEDOM nuts. We appreciate the American tradition of "don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you." The Golden Rule of treating others like you would like to be treated is a lot easier to follow when the "others" in question have a powerful, semi-auto assault rifle hanging over the mantle.
As for our choice of promoting the AK-47, we can only point to the quality of the weapon in question. The AK-47 is a premium weapon of the finest design. There may be other rifles out there that look prettier and shoot farther, but nothing can compare to the reliance, durability, and economics of the AK-47. This gun is a trooper, and I find that it is the gun of choice for people who want a home defense weapon that they can count on to not jam and to function optimally, even if you skipped the last scheduled breakdown and cleaning. Simply put: the AK-47 is a popular gun all over the world, has tons of fans, and has earned every ounce of the adoration poured out on it. That's why we wanted to make a website selling ONLY shirts featuring the most popular assault rifle in the world.

Who loves gun shirts in your family? Well in mine it is hubby's best friend who is like a brother to him. When I told him I had an AK-47 T-Shirt to review he begged for it so we let him have it. He was so happy to get it that the day it arrived in the mail he was here that night to pick the shirt up after he got out of work. The next day he called me from work telling me that everyone at his worked liked the "AK-47 Bullets Make Me Happy" T-Shirt . I am here to say my guys love these types of reviews.

Now for the giveaway: One lucky person will win "AK-47 Bullets Make Me Happy" T-Shirt in black in your chosen shirt size (small through extra-large). This is open to the US only and ends 7/3 @ 11:59 pm est. To enter, simply do the tasks on the Rafflecopter widget below and you're set to have a chance to win! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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