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The Benefits of Biking

Have you ever tried biking as your daily exercise in the morning? Or is this your preferred exercise routine to stay fit and healthy?

As for me, biking is one of my favorite activity aside from swimming. But given the fact that I do not own one right now, I am thinking of buying for myself so that it'll be my companion in the morning for my exercise routine! Just thinking of it makes me want to buy one very soon. I'd like to buy a bike which is tall enough for my height, with co2 cartridges for bikes of course, and white in color! Let's say more so like the photo below. Isn't it cute?!

Okay, since biking is said to be an acivity from which you will stay fit and healthy, let's talk about how is it so.

Let me enumerate the benefits of biking or cycling to health:

1. Biking is firming, toning and calorie-burning. For those weighing 160 lbs, approximately 457 calories are burned in 45 minutes. It is said that biking beats out driving a car in this matter.

2. Leisure biking helps in stress relieving process. It boosts levels of euphoria-producing hormones called endorphins. In a much understandable translation, biking boosts a healthy mood.

3. Biking makes you enjoy the scenery, the fresh air and soft breeze that hits your skin. You are able to think peacefully and clear from the busyness of life.

4. Biking is another way of socializing. Friendship is formed with fellow biking enthusiasts and like minded people on this sport.

Yes, aside from those good benefits... I was thinking of biking with my husband in a breezy afternoon that we would cycle all the way to the foot of a hill. When we get there, we would rest and put up a tent for a camping trip you would say since we have this camping gas cylinders with us. Stay there for about several hours and go cycling back home.


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