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Women's Choice Ranked PR2!

Happiness, oh happiness! As a blogger, when things go smooth about my blogs and so are things related to them, makes me excited and surprised every time! To be honest, I did not have the confidence for this blog at all to gain back the PR1 that it has prior to domain transition. It did affect its rank and I was actually very disappointed. But then, here I am! Rejoicing for this very wonderful discovery! Who would say that Women's Choice will jump from zero to PR2?! 

Thanks to Algene for the announcement on Facebook that Google has updated page ranks! I right away checked all my blogs' ranks after seeing that status and was really overjoyed to see how this blog ranked it's way up to PR2. Oh, my designs site also ranked PR1 now from zero rank! 

My Other Blog's Rank Update:
Rona's Reviews - remained PR1
Rona's Home Blog - remained PR2
Rona's Fun Designs - leveled up to PR1

So, what can I say? CONGRATULATIONS to my blogs Women's Choice and Rona's Fun Designs! Hoping that for the next Google rank update, they'll nail higher ranks. CHEERS!

How about you? Have you checked your blogs' ranks already? If still not, check it down here.

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This page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service


  1. it is fun, I tried and now I know:)

  2. Congratulations. I have fun checking that meter even if I know I'm not making enough noise ;)

  3. This calls for a celebration! Woot!

  4. yay! congrats Sis Rona :-) more moolah for you :-) Dropping by from Happiness Is


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